In JavaScript, scope determines the visibility and accessibility of variables and functions. The scope chain is a mechanism for resolving variable and function references in the context of the code execution. In this article, we will explore the scope chain and how to use it for inheritance in JavaScript.
What is Scope Chain?
The scope chain is a list of all available scopes in JavaScript, arranged in a hierarchy. Each function in JavaScript has its own scope, which contains the variables and functions that are defined inside it. When a function is executed, JavaScript looks for variables and functions in the current scope and then in the outer scope, continuing until it finds the required reference or reaches the global scope.
The scope chain is created at the time of function creation and is based on the lexical environment of the function. The lexical environment refers to the environment in which the function is defined, which includes the variables and functions that are in scope at the time of function creation.
The scope chain is formed by the nested hierarchy of scopes. Each scope has a reference to its outer or parent scope, forming a chain of nested scopes. The scope chain determines the accessibility of variables and functions in a given context.
Here is an example of how the scope chain works:
let x = 1; // Global variable
function outer() {
let y = 2; // Variable in outer function
function inner() {
let z = 3; // Variable in inner function
console.log(x + y + z); // Accessing variables from different scopes
outer(); // Output: 6
In this example, we have three nested functions: outer
, inner
, and the global scope. The inner
function has access to the variables in its own scope, the outer
function’s scope, and the global scope, because of the scope chain.
The scope chain is formed as follows:
scope – references theouter
scope – references the global scope- Global scope – contains the
When inner
tries to access the x
variable, it first looks in its own scope, then the outer
scope, and finally the global scope, until it finds the variable.
The scope chain is important to understand because it determines how variables and functions are accessed and resolved in JavaScript.
Inheritance Using Scope Chain
Inheritance is the process of creating a new object that inherits the properties and methods of an existing object. In JavaScript, we can achieve inheritance using the prototype chain, which is based on the concept of the scope chain.
To create inheritance using the scope chain, we define a new object that we want to inherit from, and then define a new function that creates a new scope with the inherited object in the outer scope. This new function can then access the properties and methods of the inherited object using the scope chain.
Here’s an example of how to use the scope chain for inheritance in JavaScript:
// Define a base object to inherit from
const person = {
name: 'John Doe',
age: 30,
greet() {
console.log(`Hello, my name is ${} and I'm ${this.age} years old.`);
// Define a new function that creates a new scope with the inherited object in the outer scope
function createEmployee(title) {
const employee = {
work() {
console.log(`${} is working as ${this.title}.`);
// Inherit from the person object by setting it as the outer scope
return function() {
Object.setPrototypeOf(this, person);
Object.setPrototypeOf(this, employee);
// Create a new employee object and call its methods
const Employee = createEmployee('Developer');
const john = new Employee();
john.greet(); // Hello, my name is John Doe and I'm 30 years old.; // John Doe is working as Developer.
In this example, we define a base object person
with some properties and a method. We then define a new function createEmployee
that creates a new object with some properties and methods and sets the person
object as the outer scope. This allows the new object to inherit properties and methods from the person
We then create a new constructor function Employee
using the createEmployee
function and use it to create a new john
object. We can then call the greet
and work
methods on the john
object, which use properties and methods from both the person
and employee
The scope chain is a powerful mechanism in JavaScript that enables variable and function resolution at runtime. It forms the basis of many advanced features in the language, including inheritance using the prototype chain. By understanding the scope chain and how it works, you can become a more proficient JavaScript developer and leverage the language’s unique features to write more elegant and efficient code.